Mommy Makeover: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Frequently Asked Questions

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Mommy Makeover Surgery FAQs

  • When is the Right Time for Mommy Makeover Surgery?

    Patients should wait until they’re done having children before having mommy makeover surgery.

    Patients should wait at least three months after they have finished breastfeeding their youngest child, since this amount of time allows the breasts to reach their final shape and size.

    It is important to ensure that the body has fully recovered from pregnancy. Patients should also maintain their post-pregnancy weight for approximately three months before having mommy makeover surgery.

    If patients do get pregnant after having a mommy makeover, their stomach and breast tissues will stretch again and can affect results. If this happens, a revision surgery may be necessary to maintain the desired results.

  • Does Insurance Cover Mommy Makeover Surgery?

    Insurance does not typically cover mommy makeover surgery, with a few exceptions. For example, a breast reduction surgery may be covered by insurance if patients are having medical problems because of their breasts.

  • How Long is the Recovery from Mommy Makeover?

    The recovery time after mommy makeover surgery can range from two to four weeks.

    Patients should plan to take at least two to four weeks off from work and avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks.

    During recovery, patients don’t need to be bedridden. At the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams, we encourage patients to complete normal activities, like walking around the block, to prevent complications.

    Remember that it’s important to be careful and try not to expedite recovery time. You may feel better but overdoing it can delay the healing process.

    The most important part of recovering is to closely follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions. If patients follow instructions and attend any follow up appointments with their plastic surgeon, they will have a smooth recovery and see amazing results from mommy makeover surgery.

  • When Will My Sutures be Removed?

    Sutures, or non-dissolvable stitches, will be removed approximately 10 days after the procedure. Any other dissolvable stitches will dissolve after six to eight weeks.

    Patients should not tamper with stitches when they become visible.

    If you have any questions or are experiencing discomfort, you can call the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams team.

  • Do the Results of a Mommy Makeover Last Forever?

    For our patients who have a healthy diet, stick to an exercise regimen, and maintain a stable weight, their mommy makeover results will last for many years.

    Liposuction surgery during a mommy makeover makes it much more difficult to gain weight in the areas it is performed, leading to long-lasting and natural results.

  • When Can I Exercise After Undergoing the Mommy Makeover Procedure?

    Four weeks after having mommy makeover surgery, patients can exercise with light cardio, such as walking or jogging, if they feel up to it.

    Patients should refrain from heavy weightlifting and exercising the abdominal muscles until six weeks after surgery.

    After six weeks have passed, patients are fully healed and can resume their full exercise regimen.

  • Who is an Ideal Candidate for Mommy Makeover Surgery?

    Ideal candidates for mommy makeover surgery are women who do not wish to experience pregnancy again.

    Patients should be close to or at their ideal weight in addition to being emotionally, mentally, and physically prepared for the surgery.

    Patients should also not participate in heavy smoking and excessive drinking, as this can cause weight gain and possibly reverse the results of a mommy makeover.

  • What Are the Risks of a Mommy Makeover?

    Every surgery has risks and potential complications.

    Some potential complications of a mommy makeover include bleeding, infection, incisions not healing, loss of nipple sensation, implant leak, and more.

    To minimize the risk of surgery, it’s essential to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience in performing mommy makeover surgeries.

  • Will There be Visible Scars from the Incisions?

    There are a few incisions that must be made during mommy makeover procedure.

    The type, location, and length of the incisions depends on the type of tummy tuck and breast procedure performed.

    As patients heal after mommy makeover surgeries, scars will fade significantly. At the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams, we have a variety of techniques available to manage scarring and hide incisions.

  • How Many Hours Does a Mommy Makeover Take?

    The length of the mommy makeover procedure depends on which procedures, and how many, a patient is undergoing.

    A simple procedure with liposuction can take about two to three hours, and a more involved procedure that includes breast augmentation and a tummy tuck can take about six to eight hours.

  • How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost?

    The cost for a mommy makeover varies based on the procedures that patients wish to be performed. Procedures that can be done during mommy makeover surgery include tummy tuck, breast augmentation, and liposuction.

    The final cost of a mommy makeover includes a surgeon fee, anesthesia fees, surgical facility costs, and more.

    During a consultation at the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams, we can give patients a cost estimate for the procedure and explain the cost breakdown.

    For a list of standard outpatient surgery charges, financing options, and billing information, visit Our Facility page for more information.

  • How Can I Prepare for My Mommy Makeover Surgery?

    To prepare for mommy makeover surgery, patients should set up a moderate exercise program and eat a balanced diet to maintain weight, while staying strong and healthy.

    It’s important to stop smoking at least six weeks before surgery to avoid possible complications, including wound healing issues and infections.

    Limit alcohol intake and avoid alcohol for at least 72 hours before the mommy makeover surgery.

    During the consultation and in any subsequent appointments prior to the surgery, patients are given a list of medications to avoid, because many medications can cause bleeding or bruising.

    This includes aspirin or nonsteroidal medication, as well as some vitamins and supplements.

  • What Does ‘Board-Certified’ Mean for a Doctor?

    Not all surgeons are board-certified.

    Surgeons who are board-certified are highly specialized in a specialty area or surgery type.

    They are exceptionally committed to professionalism, quality patient care, and lifelong learning through a neutral, third-party entity that represents top-tier surgeons.

    Board-certified surgeons prove their expertise through extensive specialty-specific training and passing rigorous testing.

How Can I Schedule a Mommy Makeover Consultation?

Call us today at (518) 786-7000

Dr. Alfredo Lloreda specializes in breast and body plastic surgery and has performed mommy makeover surgeries with exceptional results.

The results will look natural and will help give the mom the confidence she deserves.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how the Plastic Surgery Center at Williams can help you transform your post-baby body today.