Removing breast implants: What to know

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In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of women who opt to remove their breast implants. 

How much does it cost to remove breast implants?

The average cost of breast implant removal surgery is $3,049, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. 

This cost is only part of the total – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses. 

What will my breasts look like after breast implant removal?

The results of breast implant removal surgery will depend on both the size of the implants in your body and the quality of your remaining breast tissue. 

The final results will be visible up to one year after surgery. 

The breast tissue may be thin after having implants for an extended period of time, and in some cases, implants may have leaked. 

Reasons why women choose to remove breast implants

Results of breast implant removal

There are many reasons why women may choose to do this, but some of the most common include: health concerns, dissatisfaction with the appearance of their breasts, and concerns with textured implants and the possible associated health risks. 

Health concerns

One of the most common reasons why women choose to have their breast implants removed is due to health concerns. Many women are concerned about the potential risks associated with breast implants, such as capsular contracture, infection, and implant rupture. In addition, some studies have suggested that there may be a link between textured implants and a rare form of cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). In rare cases, some women with textured implants develop a fluid collection around the implant and ALCL cells have been cultured from this fluid. This is an extremely rare occurrence but there are still cases being reported worldwide. While more research is needed to confirm this link, it is understandable why some women may want to remove their implants as a precautionary measure.

Dissatisfaction with breast augmentation results

Another reason why women may want to have their breast implants removed is dissatisfaction with the appearance of their breasts. Some women feel that their breasts look unnatural or disproportionate after having implants, while others may simply grow tired of the way they look after a few years. 

Additionally, breast implants can sometimes cause rippling or wrinkling of the skin, which can be visible through clothing. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts, explant surgery may be an option for you.

Capsular contracture 

Capsular contracture is also a concern, this is where the capsule surrounding the implant can become tight, painful or squeeze and displace the implant. This occurs in about 5-8% of breast augmentation procedures. In severe cases it may be necessary to do a procedure to open up the capsule to alleviate the pain and tightness.

Schedule a consultation for breast implant removal

If you are considering having your breast implants removed, it is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience performing this type of surgery. During your consultation, your surgeon will assess your individual situation and help you decide if explant surgery is the right choice for you. They will also discuss the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery and answer any questions you may have. The surgeon will also perform a physical examination and may order additional tests, such as mammography or breast MRI, to assess your breast tissue and implants. Once all of the necessary information has been gathered, your surgeon will be able to develop a treatment plan that is right for you.

The decision to have breast implants removed is a personal one that should be made after careful consideration and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. If you are unhappy with your breasts or have concerns about the potential risks associated with breast implants, explant surgery may be an option for you. To learn more about this procedure and whether it is right for you, please contact our office today. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and help you make an informed decision about your treatment options.

About the Author: Dr. Alfredo Lloreda

Dr. Alfredo Lloreda is a board-certified plastic surgeon that specializes exclusively in breast & body plastic surgery and non-surgical rejuvenation. He completed his medical degree, graduating with high honors, at Ross University School of Medicine. After medical school, Dr. Lloreda spent a year helping underserved communities in the Caribbean and teaching anatomy, suturing techniques, clinical medicine, and high-fidelity simulation to medical students.

Dr. Lloreda then completed a 5-year General Surgery Residency in Miami, focusing on major traumatic wound reconstruction and burn surgery, followed by a 3-year Plastic & Reconstructive surgery fellowship at world-renowned Cleveland Clinic Florida. He pursued an aesthetic fellowship through the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at the Williams Center alongside Dr. Alain Polynice.